
Sunday, 28 February 2010


In the laboratories and corridors of the Physical Sciences, it a the general accepted rule that the world as we have it might have been formed out of an explosion of some sort leading to the bringing to being of the Universe. Mainly popularised as the 'Big Bang'. Of coarse this still remains hypothetical since a recent attempt to prove this science using a multi billion collider was unsuccessful. I my candid believe, I view the theory as more of a philosophy then a Science, since it flouts all the rules and fundamentals of the logic of Science. " Nothing can come out of nothing"

In today's world several effort are being made by both Naturalists and Atheists alike to exclude God out of the business of creation and in so doing ends up flouting their own principles. And of coarse the fundamentals of logic and reasoning. Theories of evolution and studies in Paleo-anthropology will rather have us believe everything in our world happened by Chance. A believe that was very much fuelled by Darwinism and his postulations on natural selection. But perhaps Darwin did get it wrong or perhaps Science has got it all wrong?

  1. If you take any physical quantity in this world and section it. You will never find the reason for its existence in itself. However sectioned, however sliced, will ultimately point to a cause outside itself. Nothing can cause itself to exist.

2. Whenever you see intelligibility and specified complexity especially in the nature of language and abstract reasoning, you will always assume an intelligence behind it. You will never look at a sonnet by Shakespeare and assume a group of monkeys pounding on some typewriter or some computer produced it. Nor look at a dictionary and say, it could have developed from an explosion in the Printing Press. Never! Whenever you see intelligibility or a specified complexity, you always assume and intelligence behind it. If you were to walk unto a planet totally foreign to you, and saw one million pebbles in a perfect triangle, you can reasonably say it happened over fifteen billion years or it just came together. You can assume that. But if you found one piece of paper on the same platform that said,” hello John, I hope you brought some Indian recipes with you”. Would you for even one solitary moment think fifteen billion has put that sentence together?

To tell the truth, you are looking at language, you are looking at sense. When a Space Ship blows up, we say “what went wrong?” No one hears the simple words of a Child “Mummy” or a simple “I love you” will think for a moment it is a random collocation of atoms uttering to you some unfathomable mysteries.

I hope, I can not be accused of being an agnostist when I state that the mystries of this universe are beyond comprehension. Its of no little surprise that Astronomy has as yet not been able to unravel it mystries. And all it does is to describe it. Need I mention that description does not equate understanding. One can easily describe a phenomena but can fail to grasp its origin and meaning. And that is the accomplishment of the Physical Science.


  1. You know, anytime I read anything you post, I'm so tempted to go for a dictionary or better still, an encyclopedia. Although I always forget the thesaurus on the PC I use.
    Anyway the point is I remember times on campus when we took tutorials together. The Enoch then always raised up my hackles(if I ever had any) and my sense of competitiveness because of questions you'd ask, answers you'll give and almost every class would end with an unresolved controversy you brought up. I was always like "what a guy". Or is it "!" if you get what I mean.
    Are you in school? The way you are coming across we might get one of the powerful lawyers in the country in no time. But that's just an assumption.You may not be heading to that direction at all. But then whatever you decide to do, looking at you now,I have no doubts you will do.
    Your idea of fun differs from mine and I'm guessing from a lot of other peoples. But in this case its likely to be a Gal & Guy difference.If your fun is educative the best expletive from me is "aww".
    But i sure think you wax in awesomeness. You sure do!

  2. Wow! That is quite an observation... You had me scratching my head all through, not to mention the 'smack' of a smile on my face. I am clueless of who is commenting though and I sure can't be blamed for being curious. My head is so heavy I teeter in my steps. But I sure I'm happy you are taking such interest in my blog. Thank you!

  3. this is debbie. remember? rosemond's debbie? Relax. make sure your teetering doesnt make you fall. we will talk more. but do put a write up on CGs. later. and keep on smiling.
