
Thursday, 24 June 2010

He is excused from Idiocy. He knows the Bible?

I remember when the issue was raised amongst friends; Why is there an upsurge in the number of Churches in the Country (Ghana)? I listened quietly to see where the debate will go, but much to my disappointment, it wasn't much of a debate. There was a unanimously consensus that it was the beginning of a "Revival" for the nation. There, at that very moment my heart sunk. It almost unbelievable that ones you can memorise a few Bible verses you are excused from idiocy. You can run amok in ignorance and its fine. I remember reading from somewhere,that a good tree never bears bad fruits,neither can a bad tree give forth good fruits. And the only way you can determine the wolfs in sheep clothing is by looking at their deeds. Yes, I remember reading that.

A fellow materialises out of nowhere in hideous clerical robes of indeterminate origin, wearing a big crucifix around his neck, brandishing a Bible and speaks in a voice that I only emit from my vocal cords when I'm constipated. He crowns himself Archbishops, yet goes ahead and divorces his wife, and its all good and dandy. Perhaps he thought his problems were bigger than Hosea, the Prophet who married a Prostitute, or perhaps the book of Timothy that spells out the criteria for a Bishop is missing from his scriptures. Or is more likely he knew more than the Lord Jesus himself who abhor the practise of dismissing a wife with a written testament.

I wonder, if he were my Bishop, and I had trouble with my wife? I wonder if he will have the moral authority to advice me on the subject of marriage? I wonder if these well fed Christian gentlemen who occupy the corridors of power and prestige in his Church are oblivious of what is good and what is bad; Or may be, an expensive and exhausted reason with a contracted common sense was likely the product this effect. That his deeds have the ability to condemn an entire congregation. I guess I heard you right, and its true. When that blind man, leads these blind men, they will all cascade into that horrible pit.

The Churches, are not safe any more. They are worse than slaughter houses. They don't just steal your hard earned money from you, they also steal your soul as well. In a world where Good is no longer measured through external absolutes, but rather in what is new and modern. Whatever is new is also deemed good and beautiful. The Church on the other hand is eager to bend doctrine in the name of unity to suit modernity. So now I hear they say, you may not cover your hair. Now I believe you don't cover that hair any longer. Wait a minute. Did they tell you why? Perhaps they did tell you the reason for covering it before? Yes? Oh! so the nature of your relation with God is determined by the Church's headquarters.

The Lord God almighty is not a God of contradiction nor does he bend because you built a space shuttle. Human irreverence can not bring about his glory diminution. A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the wall of his cell.

What I speak of may sound controversial to some ears, but its no more controversial as distinguishing the law from the gospel. No I speak not of Constitutional Law, no. But the Law that was spoken of in the letter to the Galatians. Brother, if the Lord bless you with bounty and you seek to make an offering to him. make that offering to that neighbour, that man on the street, that fellow who can hardly afford a cup of gari. That is what Jesus told you to do. Don't send it to the man with eloquence sitting on his high horse in the large building. He is a WOLF!

Nothing prevents you from gathering your household on a weekend and sharing the gospel for free. Nothing prevents the husband or the wife from studying the word and sharing it with the rest of the family. What God cares about is the temple, fortunately enough, YOU ARE THE TEMPLE.

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